Free Public APIs

A collection of 310 Free Public APIs for Students and Developers.

Tested every single day.


APIs handpicked by the University of Applied Sciences of Grisons for their IM2 JavaScript programming course—perfect for turning code into creation!

📰HackerNews API

Provides public Hacker News data in near real time. Accessible via Firebase client libraries for Android, iOS, and web. Includes information on stories, comments, jobs, Ask HNs, polls, and users.

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🌦️Open Meteo

Open-Meteo is an open-source weather API and offers free access for non-commercial use. No API key required. Start using it now!

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⚡️Harry Potter API

API providing data on Harry Potter characters and spells. Includes routes for all characters, specific character by ID, Hogwarts students and staff, characters in a house, and all spells.

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📊Berufsbildung Daten Exporte

API zur Exportierung von Daten zu Lehrverträgen und Abschlüssen der Berufsbildung seit 2017, einschließlich Anzahl der Lehrverträge, neu registrierten Lehrverträgen und Abschlüssen der Qualifikationsverfahren nach Ausbildungsfeldern.

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😎The Color API

Your fast, modern, swiss army knife for color. Pass in any valid color and get conversion into any other format, the name of the color, placeholder images and a multitude of schemes. There are only two endpoints you need to worry about, /id and /scheme, and you can read the docs about both. Each endpoint is available in JSON[P], HTML & SVG format. The SVG format can be saved or used as an img[src] attribute for super-easy embedding/sharing!

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🍺Open Brewery DB

A worldwide open-source brewery dataset and API. Provides public information on breweries, cideries, brewpubs, and bottleshops.

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👽Rick and Morty API

API providing information about characters, locations, and episodes from the Rick and Morty show. Supports GraphQL and REST endpoints for querying data.

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An open RESTful API for Pokémon data

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If you are an Avatar fan, then this api is for you. Here you can find everything from Episodes to Characters to Trivia Questions and more.

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🤪Useless Facts API

HTTP API for useless facts. Provides random useless facts and today's useless fact with language and content-type customization options. APIv1 is deprecated.

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🚆Transport API

Swiss public transport API with endpoints for locations, connections, and stationboard

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🌍Nationalize API

A simple API that estimates the nationality of a person based on a last name.

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Coffee API

Start your day with a lovely coffee~ Provides access to a collection of 1257 coffee images. Users can request a random coffee image in JSON format.

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🐕Dog API

The internet's biggest collection of open source dog pictures. Over 20,000 images of dogs accessible by over 120 breeds. Programmatic access to dog images.

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If cartoons is what you like then boy do we have a full list of all the cartoons from the past and present and all their details including a amazingly sourced image to showcase

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🏠Thurgau Population Data

API providing data on the permanent population of the Thurgau canton since 2007. Includes information on residents with main residence in Thurgau and specific considerations for foreign population.

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🚶Passantenfrequenz Stadt St.Gallen

Measures pedestrian traffic in St. Gallen, showing the number of pedestrians passing by a sensor on Vadianstrasse.

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💰CoinGecko API

Powerful API for cryptocurrency data including real-time prices, market data, NFT base prices, trading volume, trading pairs, metadata, historical data, and more. Trusted by thousands of developers in the industry.

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Access data via RESTful API with endpoints for attributes, find, identify, providers, and regions.

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🃏Deck of Cards

An API for playing cards. Allows users to shuffle, draw, reshuffle, create a new deck, use a partial deck, add to piles, shuffle piles, list cards in piles, draw from piles, and return cards to the deck.

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Public API for Aare river data including temperature, flow rate, weather forecasts, and more. Non-commercial use allowed with customizable app and version parameters.

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📻Radio Basilisk

Radio Basilisk provides daily information and entertainment to 100,000 listeners in the Basel region. This API shows the last played songs on Radio Basilisk.

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Free Sports API

Provides free JSON sports API for accessing basic sports data, including information on teams, players, events, and more. Offers test API keys, API limits, and upgrade options for premium features.

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🤣Yo Mama API

API for retrieving jokes by random, category, or list based on Yo Mama jokes. No authentication required.

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📻Radio SRF 1

API providing information about currently played music on Radio SRF 1 including song titles and artists.

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🔮Tarot Card Meanings

Card names, descriptions, and divinatory meanings based on AE Waite's Pictorial Key to the Tarot (1910) for the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Access via REST API with endpoints for getting cards and documentation.

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🍲Free Meal API

Provides access to a free recipe API with features like searching meals by name, listing meals by first letter, looking up meal details by ID, and more. Supports JSON format data retrieval.

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Basic list of descriptions and ingredients for popular coffee drinks

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A REST API serving uniformly and well formatted jokes without the need for API token, membership, registration or payment. Supports various filters for customized joke retrieval.

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A simple API that predicts the gender of a person based on a first name

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📊Visitor Frequencies Lucerne (CH)

Live visitor frequencies in public spaces in Lucerne, Switzerland.

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🍹Cocktail Recipe API

Provides access to a free cocktail recipe API with various endpoints for searching cocktails, ingredients, and more. Supports JSON format.

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🎲Truth or Dare API

API for truth, dare, would you rather, never have I ever, and paranoia questions with different ratings available.

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MaaS: Musk as a Service: Get Random News Articles Featuring Our Lord and Savior Elon Musk Using This Free Public API!

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🌇Sunset Times API

Provides sunset and sunrise times for a given latitude and longitude using a simple REST API

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🃏Magic: The Gathering

Access Magic: The Gathering card and set information through HTTPS endpoints. SDKs available for easier consumption.

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📻Energy Radio Stations

Provides various radio stations with different music genres and themes.

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🅿️Parkleitsystem API

Provides real-time information on available parking spaces in connected parking garages in cities like Basel, Zurich, Bern, Luzern, St.Gallen, and Zug. Developed by Simon Jenny for the Pebble.Parking-App.

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👤Random User Generator

API for generating random user data like names, emails, addresses, and more. Provides JSON, XML, CSV, or YAML objects.

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😽Cat Fact API

An API that shows different Cat Facts!

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📚Open Library Search API

Open Library provides an experimental API to search for book data. It can return data for multiple books in a single request, including Work and Edition level information, author IDs, book availability, and offers powerful sorting options.

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JSON web API for Project Gutenberg ebook metadata. Provides book information, search, and filtering options. Hosted on GitHub.

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🛰️ISS Current Location

Provides the current location of the International Space Station including latitude, longitude, and timestamp. Offers both JSON and JSONP formats for easy access. Users are advised to poll the API no more than once every 5 seconds.

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A REST API to spread peace and love (or not) thanks to cats. Provides various endpoints to get random cats, cats with specific tags, cat gifs, and more. Also allows customization of cat images and retrieving cat data in JSON format.

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🌐South Park Quotes

Retrieve quotes from South Park characters with options for random quotes, specific number of quotes, and searching by term.

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🕒World Time API

Simple JSON/plain-text API to obtain the current time in, and related data about, a timezone.

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🏰Disney API

GET only API for Disney characters information. No authentication required. Provides endpoints to filter characters, get all characters, and get details about one character. Available in REST and GraphQL. Includes schemas for character data.

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🎲Bored API

Get random activities based on type, participants, price, and accessibility ranges.

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